We are just a few days away from Orange Conference 2019. If you’re not sure what that is, check it out here —>

For the rest of us, it’s time to sing, dance, cheer, cry (only a little) and celebrate with 8,000 people who do what we do and love what we love. It’s the BEST part of the year!

Even though there is so much GOODNESS happening on the main-stage at Orange, I can’t help but think some of the absolute best moments of OC don’t happen on a big stage. They happen in smaller rooms in breakouts of a few hundred, where we figure out TOGETHER how to serve the next generation. Admittedly, I have little bit of a bias toward a specific group of these breakouts—the ones focused on youth ministry and high school ministry specifically.   And as I scan the list for OC19, I’m not disappointed at all. Here are a few of my favorites.

Wednesday, May 1st 

11:00 – 12:00 à Design Better Environments for Students with Trey McKnight & Charlie Conder 

As students move toward independence, they need to know there are others who will always have their back. How can you create an environment that fosters those kinds of relationships? How do you welcome middle schoolers without overwhelming them? How do you mobilize high school students to achieve their potential? Let's explore how your ministry setting can be a natural extension of your student strategy.

11:00 – 12:00 à Get & Keep The Best Volunteers with Christine Kreisher

Recruiting and retaining volunteers isn’t easy. We don’t have to tell you that. Well, maybe we do. Recruiting and retaining volunteers isn’t easy. But it can be done! If you’re looking for techniques, approaches, tried and true methods, and even clarification on why it’s important to recruit and retain the best kinds of volunteers, then sign up for this breakout, and join the conversation.  

11:00 – 12:00 à Translate My Enneagram with Beth McCord

The Enneagram: It’s everyone’s favorite number soup/personality type model! Whether you’ve studied to perfectly understand your type (hello! One), or you’re just along for the ride because, hey, you never know when a breakout could break out into a flash mob (looking at you, Seven), your Enneagram type can provide valuable tools for you to use in ministry. Join us to explore how your personality type relates to the work God has called you to do each day. Visit exploreyourtype.com to discover your own number prior to the breakout.


 1:30 - 2:30 Transition High School Students to What’s Next with Gerald Fadayomi and Crystal Chiang

Graduation Sunday doesn't mark the end of a student's need for guidance and support in their faith journey. Unfortunately though, oftentimes it is. But with all of the responsibilities and tasks we have on our plates week in and week out, what could it possibly look like to continue walking with our students as they move to colleges all over the country? In this breakout, you'll discover practical ways your ministry can walk with high school seniors as they kick off their college careers this fall. (NOTE: SAME CONTENT AS THURSDAYS BRIDGE THE GAP BETWEEN HIGH SCHOOL AND COLLEGE)

3:00 – 4:15 Stay Healthy As A Youth Leader with Doug Fields

If the thought of eating one more $5 pizza or wrangling a charter bus full of teens again this year makes you break out in hives—you’re not alone. Navigating the tough conversations and never-ending logistics of youth ministry can put anyone on the fast track to burnout. Join us for practical, personalized tools you can use to stay healthy as a leader so you have something left to pour into the kids in your ministry.

3:00 – 4:15 Lead Better Conversations with Teenagers with Jamal Jones, Tom Shefchunas, Crystal Chiang, Ashley Bohinc & Brett Talley

Before a student can connect with God, they need to connect with people who are connected with God. Conversations are about connections—even the ones about crushes and mean teachers, parents, or coaches. The truth is they all matter. And if you want to take your conversations with students from good to better, here is where you start!



Thursday, May 2nd


10:45 - 11:45 Help Every High Schooler Feel Known with Stuart Hall

 Volunteers in high school ministry are bracing for conversations that range from social media drama to first fender benders. But have you given them tools to make a personal connection with each student? High schoolers begin to achieve their potential when a leader can answer these key questions about them: What is my name? Where do I live? What do I like? What have I done? What can I do? Join us to explore how you can personalize a training plan for the volunteers in your high school ministry.


10:45 – 11:454 à Watch a LIVE Recording of the RETHINKING YOUTH MIINISTRY Podcast with the Orange Students Team

On the Rethinking Youth Ministry Podcast, we hope to raise the bar for youth ministry by asking questions, interviewing thinkers, and having real, honest conversations about what it looks like to lead the next generation. You can be part of that, too. Really. Come join us!


1:15 – 2:15 Respond to the LGBTQ Reality with Tom Shefchunas  

According to recent studies, one in ten students in Generation Z will identify as something other than heterosexual. Knowing this, as youth leaders, we should equip ourselves to minister to students who identify as LGBTQ in our youth ministries. We realize that this is one of the trickiest conversations in the Church today and one that has caused a lot of disagreement—but we believe tricky conversations are still worth having. That’s why the goal of this breakout isn’t to tell you what to believe or even what to teach, but instead how to respond when a student entrusted to us identifies as LGBTQ. 

1:15 – 2:15 Unleash Volunteers in Student Ministry with Shane Sanchez

 The small group leaders in your student ministry are heroes. They just are, and everyone knows it. And if you set them loose, they will rise to the occasion. We know this because student ministry volunteers are a certain kind of special, and they’re there because they want to inspire real change in the world. In this breakout, Shane Sanchez will talk to you about what it looks like to let your leaders loose to do ministry in the best possible ways. Sign up today!


3:00 – 4:00 Bridge the Gap Between High School and College with Gerald Fadayomi and Crystal Chiang

Graduation Sunday doesn't mark the end of a student's need for guidance and support in their faith journey. Unfortunately though, oftentimes it is. But with all of the responsibilities and tasks we have on our plates week in and week out, what could it possibly look like to continue walking with our students as they move to colleges all over the country? In this breakout, you'll discover practical ways your ministry can walk with high school seniors as they kick off their college careers this fall. (NOTE: SAME CONTENT AS WEDNESDAYS TRANSITION HIGH SCHOOL TO WHAT'S NEXT)


3:00 – 4:00 Ensure Middle Schoolers and High Schoolers Thrive in a Combined Environment with Brett Talley, Candice Wynn & Charlie Conder

 When you have sixth graders and twelfth graders in the same youth ministry environment, things can get tricky. How do you reach students in the middle school phase and the high school phase in the same room at the same time? Join us as we discuss strategies and ideas to help ensure that your middle schoolers thrive among high schoolers in your youth ministry.


3:00 – 4:00 Help Parents of Teenagers Win with Kara Powell

Across the board, leaders believe in the importance of partnering with parents. But beyond treating parents as checkbooks, chauffeurs and chaperones, many of us aren’t sure what it means to truly “partner,” and are even less sure how to do it well. Based on years of world-class research by the Fuller Youth Institute as well as the best thinking of the Orange team, this breakout shares key steps and a host of practical ideas that every church can use to help parents win, which in turn helps students win.



3:00 – 4:00 Lead Better Conversations with Teenagers with Katie Edwards, Katie Matsumoto, Ben Nunes, Italo Belandria & Ashley Bohinc

 Before a student can connect with God, they need to connect with people who are connected with God. Conversations are about connections—even the ones about crushes and mean teachers, parents, or coaches. The truth is they all matter. And if you want to take your conversations with students from good to better, here is where you start!


3:00 – 4:00 Reimagine Old Words With New Ideas with Sarah Anderson

 Some theological words have taken a lot of white noise and negative connotations. We will look at how we can reimagine them for the next generation and ensure positive meaning.


4:45 – 5:45 Learn the Basics of the Orange Students Curriculum with the Orange Students Team  

 If you're a youth pastor, you have one job. Well, actually you have about thirty jobs: leader, speaker, planner, designer, marketer, photographer, and recruiter, to name a few. The problem? Getting it all done. If that's you, our curriculum can help. From engaging teenagers to partnering with parents and equipping volunteers, our curriculum and strategy can help you get it all done without getting burned out. If you don't know anything about XP3 Middle School or XP3 High School curriculum or you are just starting out, join us to learn how it can help you make the most of your student gatherings every week.


4:45 – 5:45 à Get the Most Out Of My Orange Students Curriculum with the Orange Students Team


Are you getting the most out of your XP3 Middle School or XP3 High School curriculum and strategy? There's only one way to find out. Join us for a deep dive into the Orange Students curriculum and nerd out on all the unique things your curriculum has to offer. Maybe you’re a long-time XP3 user and wondering what’s changed in the past couple years. Or maybe you’re using XP3 but are unsure how to apply certain pieces of the curriculum in your unique ministry context. No matter where you find yourself as an XP3 user, if you’re ready to take a deeper look to get the most out of your curriculum, this breakout is for you!


I know. That’s a lot. It’s actually more than one person can attend. That’s why I think every team should have multiple leaders and maybe a few volunteers who strategize where to go and how to debrief together


Want to find out more about the breakouts available or register?

Click here: http://theorangeconference.com/conference/breakouts/