a 30 day guide to becoming who you want to be in college.
Leading a conversation with a small group of teenage girls isn’t always easy.
Sometimes they talk too much – way too much, sometimes they don’t talk enough, and sometimes you’re pretty sure your volunteer training didn’t quite prepare you for the sort of things they’d like to talk about.
Actually, if you’ve been a small group leader for at least five minutes, you probably already know what it’s like for a small group conversation to totally bomb.
So if you’ve ever looked at your small group of teenage girls and wished you knew . . .
what to say, what not to say, when to speak, when to listen, how to make them talk, how to make them stop talking . . . then this book is for you.
The Art of Group Talk helps small group leaders like you have better conversations with teenage girls. Because, as a small group leader, you lead a conversation with teenage girls every single week. Conversations about their lives, their dreams, their friends, their more-than-friends, and their definitely-not friends. And sometimes you even manage to lead conversations about faith.
This is a book to remind you that your small group conversations— even the ones that don’t go exactly as planned—really matter. But there are a few ways to make your conversations matter even more.
With personal insight and practical advice, Crystal Chiang & Ashley Bohinc will help you discover helpful tips and strategies for leading conversations with your small group of teenage girls.
Live Free
A 5-Week Devotional Journal for Students (and Anyone Else Who Needs a Little More Grace in Their Lives)
A 4-Week Devotional Experience for Students
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18 Plus: Parenting Your Emerging Adult
A guide to help parents in this new unfamiliar phase. They will discover how their emerging adult is changing, how their world is changing, and what they still need from their parents (besides more money.)
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